How to Trade

Trading on BiophiliaSwap offers a user-friendly experience, making it easier compared to other exchanges. You won't be overwhelmed by complex charts or technical jargon. The Biophilia Smart Router takes care of trading routes and calculations on your behalf.

To start trading, you'll need a wallet compatible with BNB Chain or Ethereum. You can find information on acquiring one through the provided link. Additionally, you'll need BEP-20 or ERC-20 tokens to trade with. Instructions on obtaining these tokens can also be found in the provided link.

To trade on Biophilia, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the BiophiliaSwap exchange page.

  2. Connect your wallet by clicking on "Connect Wallet" (or use the "Connect" option in the top right corner). If you haven't connected your wallet to Biophilia before, refer to the guide in the provided link.

  3. In the upper section, select the token you want to trade from the dropdown menu. Ensure you have a sufficient balance of that token in your wallet for trading. Your balance will be displayed above the dropdown menu.

  4. In the lower section, choose the token you want to trade for.

  5. Enter the desired amount of tokens you want to swap in either the upper or lower section. The corresponding amount will be automatically estimated in the other section.

  6. Double-check all the details and click the "Swap" button. If you're trading a token for the first time, you might need to click "Enable XXX (your token)" for approval.

  7. A window with more details will appear. Verify that the information is correct, then click "Confirm Swap." Your wallet will prompt you to confirm the action.

  8. Congratulations! You've completed the swap. You can track your transaction on the blockchain explorer by clicking the provided link.

Last updated